Click to expand/collapseCopying and pasting
You can copy and paste text just as you would in a normal word processor. This works within topics, between topics and between projects.
You can open multiple projects and copy and paste between them, or you can open Help & Manual a second time and copy and paste between the two windows.
You can copy and paste formatted text from and to other programs, including Office programs like MS Word and MS Excel.

Copying images from Word:

When you copy text with images from MS Word a dialog will be displayed prompting you to convert the embedded image data to an external graphics file. Always do this, or right-click on the image afterward and convert the image into an external file. Otherwise the image will be embedded in your topic file and will take up too much space.

If you have many embedded images you may experience slow editing performance in the single-file HMXZ format. Even if you don't, embedded images unnecessarily bloat your topic files and should be avoided if possible.